Bluepark and Sage 50 integration

Bluepark + Sage 50 connectorby DataLink allows fully automated synchronization between yourBluepark and Sageversions.Should you require for the package solution or for a custom built Bluepark and Sage 50 integration project,
Sage 50 Blueparkaddon we created totally allows that.Main Features:
To summarize, with DataLink connector you get fully automated
Sage 50 Bluepark modulethat helps you toupdate stock levels from Sage to Bluepark,download sales orders from Bluepark,upload products from Sage 50,download products from Bluepark,upload customer database from Sage 50ortransfer customers to Sage 50What
Sage versionsdo you support?DataLink connector allows to
integrate with Sage accounting systems, it is fully compatible with all the latest versions of the following Sage products:
Should you consider integrating with other accounting software, we are happy to offer
Xero BlueparkorQuickBooks Blueparkconnectors as well. |

from £395.00