Magento and sage 50 integration

Magento and sage 50 integration

Magento and Sage 50

connector created by DataLink team is a great tool for integrating your online business with your Sage accounting package.

By synchronizing

Sage 50 + Magento

, you can eliminate hours of manual data entry and costly errors, enhancing both your business growth and customer experience.


Automate data transfer

to benefit from the following:
  • Automate Stock Updates

    : Keep your inventory levels accurate with automated stock updates.
  • Download Sales Orders

    : Automatically download sales orders from Magento into Sage 50.
  • Customer Synchronization:

    Synchronise Sage 50 and Magento

    customers to ensure consistency.
  • Product Syncing: Upload and

    sync products

    between Magento and Sage 50 for seamless product management.


DataLink offers to

link Sage with Magento v2

latest versions as well as with previous Magento v1.9. editions. This ensures that regardless of your Magento version, you can benefit from this powerful integration.

Recommended Features for SMBs

For small to medium businesses, the most recommended

data synchronization

features include:
  • Sales Orders and Stock Levels Update

    : Keep your sales orders and stock levels up-to-date.
  • Products Upload

    : Seamlessly upload products from Sage 50 to Magento.

Additional Custom Features

  • Sales Order Status Updates

    : Automatically update the status of sales orders in Sage 50.
  • Customer Database Download: Download

    customer databases from Sage 50

    to Magento.
  • Customer Sales Order History Import: Import customer sales order history from Sage 50.
Integration with Other Accounting Software

In addition to Sage 50, DataLink also integrates Magento with several other accounting software packages, including:

Explore the advantages of seamless data transfer and comprehensive support with the Magento Sage 50 DataLink connector to streamline your business operations.

from £395.00
a quote

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